Quarterly National Task Force on Hepatitis B Discussion Forum – October2025
October 15, 2025 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT

The National Task Force on Hepatitis B meetings are open to all Task Force members.
Starting in 2025, the National Task Force on Hepatitis B will be having quarterly meetings in the format of a Discussion Forum to share and discuss the latest news, critical updates, and resources relating to hepatitis B. Meeting notes will continue to be taken and posted on the website.
Meetings in 2025 will be held the 3rd Wednesday of the indicated month at 3PM Eastern / 2PM Central / 1PM Mountain / 12PM Pacific / 9AM (or 10AM) Hawaii Time.
The National Task Force on Hepatitis B is a grassroots not-for-profit national coalition that brings together clinicians, healthcare professionals, service providers, and patients to discuss news and recommendations for hepatitis B education, screening, testing, vaccination, linkage to care, and treatment. Past Chairs, co-Chairs, Officers, and Regional Directors serve as Advisors to address the common concerns of individuals who are at-risk for hepatitis B across the United States.
To join the National Task Force on Hepatitis B, please follow the link to Join the Coalition and enroll to our mailing list.
Topic: Quarterly National Task Force on Hepatitis B Discussion Forum
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZUvcuyrqzotH9HrlMJO_m61Gqnp76LVacCv/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGprD4vGdGUtxyCRpwcAI_4Z-nwmH5agvp1jhPIKQ9sb1WnEfNMIuUpPO7R
Join Zoom Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 812 5535 1755
Passcode: 316125
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Note: Meetings are recorded.