
H.E.L.P. CME / CE Training Program

HepB Task Force – San Diego

The Health Education for Liver Providers (H.E.L.P.) Team-based Training Program was designed to provide health care providers and their medical team core medical knowledge of hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV). Using this model, participants are given an opportunity to collaborate and brainstorm with other health care providers with shared experiences.

By the end of the training, participants will:

  1. Acquire core medical knowledge of hepatitis B and C;
  2. Aacquire a team-based approach to increasing viral hepatitis screening and linking those infected to care; those who are HBV naïve (negative for HBsAg, anti-HBs and anti-HBcT) to vaccination; and education to avoid risks to HCV or HBV; and
  3. Have the tools and resources necessary to increase HBV and HCV screenings after the training.

Below is the training curriculum for the H.E.L.P. Team-based Training Program. This program was provided at 13 sites nationwide from 2017-2018. This curriculum was used to request up to 3 continuing medical education credits for physicians or continuing education credits for pharmacists and nurses.

Please send us a courtesy email at if you would like to use our curriculum.

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